Alpesh Shah(Al Shah), a former employee of the state of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation had civil rights case and claims against Wisconsin DOT officials, WI DOJ and its top officials and the State Police. Now two federal judges Honorable William Callahan and Honorable Anne Thompson found Al's case meritorious. Al Shah was a plaintiff and All these defendants were White and Black. No Indians or No Pakistanis or No Bangladeshis. None, Absolutely None. Still the people of Indian, Bangladeshi community and Pakistani community are participating in these well planned torture that is known as gas lighting, thinking that these Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani people's mothers were fucked by either white/black state officials of Wisconsin or these Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani people's mothers were fucked by white police officers and firefighters. These Indian people, Hindus, Jains, and some Muslims of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh still think that their real ...
Warning:There are some criminal minded people of Indian sub continent origin with help of union mobs and corrupt law enforcement officials might hack and alter this blog and alter, tamper or delete the content. The wealth and privilege is not going to shield you from consequences said a spokesman for the San Francisco DA's office. True, unless you have a victim like Alpesh Shah, a follower of Islam, a former state of Wisconsin employee and criminals are protected by Racist AG JB VanHollen